Lifeskills Mental Health Blog

World Suicide Prevention Day

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World Suicide Prevention Day

Dearest Friends, Today is World Suicide Prevention Day and I have lots of resources to share with you.
World Suicide Prevention Day Now Matters Now is an online DBT skills training program. (This is an exciting project!) Later today there will be a BPD Chat on Twitter that’s all about how to handle a crisis. Crisis resources and hotlines are listed here. I like the idea behind the Semicolon Project. Trying to figure out why you might want to stay alive? Marsha Linehan has developed a Reasons for Living Inventory. If you’d like a copy, email me. Please don’t give up! Amanda

About Hope for BPD

The mission of Hope for BPD is all about educating you about evidence-based treatment and helping you to connect with compassionate clinicians and great treatment programs globally so you can make smart health care decisions. Remember, consultation does not take the place of quality care and treatment with a licensed health care provider. If you are interested in getting better or helping someone you love to get better then you’ve already made the first step. You can reach me by telephoning 954-953-1742 or by e-mailing me at I’d absolutely love to hear from you!


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