Exposure and Ritual Prevention (ExRP) Therapy
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What Is ExRP Therapy?
Exposure and ritual prevention (ExRP) therapy is a type of CBT used to treat obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders. ExRP is a behavioral therapy that gradually exposes individuals to situations designed to provoke their obsessions (e.g., a fear of germs) in a safe environment.
How We Use ExRP Therapy
We use ExRP therapy to gradually expose clients to their fears, which eventually helps them manage their compulsions. By going through a hierarchy of increasingly difficult tasks these techniques gradually decrease anxiety to the point of extinguishing the link between obsessions and compulsions. The goals of ExRP therapy include:
- Increasing the client’s ability to tolerate distress and anxiety
- Eventually exposing the client to the anxiety-provoking activity without them engaging in compulsive behaviors
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Call our compassionate Admissions Team today at 954-953-1742 or fill out our contact form.