Category: Bipolar Disorder

Collage of a man displaying multiple mental stages with multicolored and layered shapes and colors

Coping with Mania: How to Recognize and Respond

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health disorder that causes drastic shifts in mood, activity, and energy levels. It consists of two distinct mood episodes: manic episodes and depressive episodes. People with bipolar disorder vacillate between these two states over weeks or months, depending on the type of bipolar disorder they have. Although there is

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Colorful, artistic illustration of two faces.

Is Having Bipolar Disorder a Personality Disorder?

Classifying mental health disorders helps clinicians diagnose their clients and provide better care. Personality disorders are a primary type of mental health disorder that include conditions such as borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and histrionic personality disorder. Sometimes people wonder, is having bipolar a personality disorder? Bipolar disorder is sometimes confused with borderline personality

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Depressed Girl

How to Identify and Treat Bipolar Disorder

Defining Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental health condition where you experience periods of extreme elevations in mood and energy levels known as “Mania” or to a lesser degree “Hypomania”, and extremely lows called depression. Most people go through the hills and valleys of life, but when you have

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Five Hollywood Celebrities with Bipolar Disorder

The media follows and documents everything celebrities do, sometimes to a fault. Their behaviors, many of which we can relate to, are magnified. Eating disorders, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, impulsivity, and sleep disturbances are all markers of behavioral difficulties associated with Bipolar Disorder.

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