Lifeskills Mental Health Resources

Treatment Methods

Illustrated man wearing a yellow shirt and black pants, pondering a question.
Mental Health

Why Should I Choose a Treatment Center Over Alternative Medicine?

Alternative therapeutic approaches have grown increasingly popular over the past decade. Offerings like equine therapy, reiki, acupuncture, and yoga have made their way into many ...
Man sits in front of a window with his journal.

How Does Cognitive Remediation Therapy Help with Depression?

Depression is a serious condition. It affects millions yearly, and most research has shown that it impacts almost 3.8% of the world’s population.[1] As such, ...
Treatment Methods

How is DBT Different From CBT?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are two primary therapeutic modalities. CBT is one of the most commonly used approaches in therapy ...

Mental Health

Illustration of anxiety attack
Anxiety Disorders

Panic Attack vs. Anxiety Attack: How to Tell Them Apart

People often use the terms “panic attack” and “anxiety attack” interchangeably. You might even find ...
Lifeskills two healthcare workers examining a report
Mental Health

Explaining Outpatient Therapy for Mental Health: Advantages and Options

Mental health treatment is not “one size fits all.” Different people require different approaches to ...
multicultural group of people supporting each other in therapy
Addiction/Substance Abuse

Understanding Alcoholism: Is It Considered a Mental Illness?

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a multifaceted condition that affects more ...


continuous line drawing of hands showing heart shape
Mental Health

A Family’s Journey to Hope and Healing at Lifeskills South Florida

  Our journey is similar to many who came before us and many more in the future who will experience the silent epidemic of mental ...
line drawing of young man at the top of a mountain relaxing
Mental Health

A Journey to Renewed Confidence: Logan’s Lifeskills Journey

  Lifeskills alumnus Logan courageously shares his story of self-discovery, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose after treatment.  Before Lifeskills: A Turbulent Road Before ...
Line drawing of a female with long hair, both of her arms raised in a "V" above her head in a victorious pose.
Mental Health

Transforming Pain into Healing at Lifeskills South Florida

Before entering Lifeskills South Florida, Kathy’s life was in turmoil. Emotionally, she was distraught, grappling with a failing marriage and self-doubt about her motherhood. Despite ...

All Blogs

Silhouette of a male head.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Uncovering OCD: Key Subtypes and Related Conditions

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is frequently misdiagnosed, yet severely disabling if left untreated. Inaccurate media portrayals of OCD have led to widespread misinformation about the condition, ...
continuous line drawing of hands showing heart shape
Mental Health

A Family’s Journey to Hope and Healing at Lifeskills South Florida

  Our journey is similar to many who came before us and many more in the future who will experience the silent epidemic of mental ...
line drawing of young man at the top of a mountain relaxing
Mental Health

A Journey to Renewed Confidence: Logan’s Lifeskills Journey

  Lifeskills alumnus Logan courageously shares his story of self-discovery, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose after treatment.  Before Lifeskills: A Turbulent Road Before ...
Illustration of psychological trauma multicolored silhouette of a person's side profile with dark silhouette behind it

Understanding Trauma Types: Acute, Chronic and Complex

Trauma is a nearly inevitable part of the human experience. Studies suggest that approximately 90% of people experience at least one traumatic event during their ...
illustration of mental health

Schizophrenia Symptoms: Insights for Families

Schizophrenia is a serious and often misunderstood mental health disorder. People with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder face incredible social stigma and a preponderance of false ...
Illustration of anxiety attack
Anxiety Disorders

Panic Attack vs. Anxiety Attack: How to Tell Them Apart

People often use the terms “panic attack” and “anxiety attack” interchangeably. You might even find yourself wondering, “Is there a difference between the two?” Sure, ...

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