Process Addiction Treatment Center

Offering treatment for behavioral addictions in South Florida

What Are Process Addictions?

Process addiction disorders are extreme or compulsive forms of behavior that an individual is unable or unwilling to stop despite the legal, financial, family, or other consequences.

Activities that fall into behavioral addictions are ones that people engage in every day, such as shopping, gambling, exercise, eating, or sex. These non-substance-related activities can cause individuals to struggle with mental or physical health issues that arise because of their inability to stop without proper treatment at process addiction treatment centers.

Compulsive Behavior Addiction

The inability to stop these addictive behaviors arises because of the addictive process, which is when reward sensors in the brain receive a small dose of dopamine, a naturally created pleasure chemical, when an activity occurs, like buying something online, gambling, or receiving an in-game reward. Over time, the brain’s dopamine receptors can become accustomed to the addictive process and to the higher levels of dopamine that come with it. These individuals can build up a tolerance to the high levels of dopamine. The brain then becomes dependent (or addicted) to receiving dopamine, which causes a behavioral addiction to occur for specific activities.

Some of these addictive behaviors can include watching pornography, exercising excessively, playing video games, using a smartphone, browsing social media, and using other technology (e.g., computer, tablet).

At our process addiction treatment center, we provide treatment for behavioral addictions, including compulsive behavior addiction. Lifeskills provides sex addiction treatment as well as gambling addiction treatment, among others.

What Are Process Addictions?

Process addiction disorders are extreme or compulsive forms of a behavior that an individual is unable or is unwilling to stop despite the legal, financial, family, or other consequences.
Activities that fall into behavioral addictions are ones that people engage in every day, such as shopping, gambling, exercise, eating, or sex. These non-substance related activities can cause individuals to struggle with the mental or physical health issues that arise because of their inability to stop without proper treatment at process addiction treatment centers.

Treatment for Process Addictions at Lifeskills

At Lifeskills, our experienced clinicians provide process addiction treatment utilizing our dedicated Substance Use Disorder Pathway. Within this pathway, the DBT modules consist of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. The goals of treatment at our process addiction treatment centers include learning new skills, staying focused in the present moment, increasing interpersonal effectiveness, improving emotional regulation, and living an engaging life in recovery.

Treatment for behavioral addictions at Lifeskills includes the following therapies:

Process Addiction Recovery

Residential treatment environments, like the Lifeskills Programs in Deerfield Beach, are advantageous for process addiction treatment so clients can enter an initial detox phase with the clinical and behavioral support of highly trained staff members. Official detox behavioral addiction treatment centers aren’t available for process addictions, so this level of care is critical for the individual to build a foundation for long-term process addiction recovery.

Strong family programming is another critical component of process addiction treatment unique to Lifeskills in South Florida. Our Family Support Program enables family members to become better educated about the disorder, learn the skills needed to help their loved one post-treatment, and learn more about the signs of a potential relapse. If the client is willing, the family can also become involved in their treatment during their stay, building skills together that improve their chance at long-term process addiction recovery.

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