Tag: mindfulness

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Practicing Self-Care & Compassion During Uncertain Times

During challenging times, you may feel anxious or fearful. These feelings, while warranted, can increase stress and cause additional concerns such as a change in your sleep and eating patterns, increase in the use of alcohol or drugs, and the worsening of chronic health and mental health challenges. Fostering a love for yourself that encourages

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The State of Depression and Suicide

Just over 44 million Americans adults currently have a mental illness according to the recently released State of Mental Health in America 2019. While this number is high, it is a slight decrease from the previous year. However, there has a been an alarming increase in suicidal ideation in adults (increased by over 200,000 from

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Three Important Skills you could Develop from Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a staple treatment method that is offered at most mental health and substance abuse treatment centers in the United States. This method of treatment is a modified form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and was originally created to treat individuals suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. However, DBT has also been

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